Friday, September 08, 2006
C17, all day, all night

This is a C17, large transport, they keep going around the clock. I came in on one of these and when I left last January, it was in one of these.
Today was the weekly bazaar. I told Mr. Kabir (mentioned a couple entries ago) that I would be back this week. He must hear that all day long. Anyway he was a bit shocked to see me and didn't have my favorite rug. I brought him some crackers and Chips ahoy cookies for his kids. Then I let him sell me 2 rugs, a new one and an old one in really good shape. He used the word antique, but I don't know. By the way, he wasn't wearing shoes today, I noticed he had 6 toes on one foot. The sixth was like another pinky, next to it. If he was born in a western country, I'm sure it would have been taken care of shortly after he was born. But here.........