Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Looking at the Coast

After leaving Qatar to fly up to Kuwait, I took this picture out of a small window in a C-17. The windows are not that big and there are only a couple on each side of the aircraft.
This is looking down at the Arabian Sea ( if you live in a country by Saudi Arabia) or the Persion Gulf ( if you live in Iran). We were going north from Qatar, so its maybe Yemen or some other country on the coast.
The inside of a C-17 can be fitted for various combinations of seats or cargo. Each 3 rows of seats are on a movable pallet that can slide in and out just like cargo. The side seats are always there, but can be folded against the wall. If I have a choice about where to sit, I pick a side seat because of the legroom and its not nearly as close side to side either.

This picture was taken on my 4th attempt to get back to Afghanistan, the other 3 flights were just warm-ups. As you can see, it didn't go exactly full either.